Preview blog: TIKTOK IT: SEARCH 2.0

Nearly half of Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram for search instead of Google, according to Google’s own data (TechCrunch, July 2022)

25-10-2022 5:08 pm

This is HUGE for digital marketers:

🔥 It’s more important now than ever to have a consistent content strategy that adds value to your audience and is in line with your objectives. This way you can position your brand, product or service in a relatable manner. 

🔥 The multiverse of content marketing is here. From storytelling to funny trends and useful hacks, remember “perfect” doesn’t mean more effective. Simply, ask yourself: “as a user what do I prefer to consume?” Honesty helps A LOT.

🔥 Investing in your business = having a strong presence on social media. Think about your digital community like a garden. It’s important to nurture it everyday and protecting it from drying out. In order to grow successfully, you need to constantly supply content to your audience; especially, if you keep in mind that there are thousands of gardens growing around yours.

❤️ I know it may feel like everything is evolving too fast sometimes, but don’t worry! We’re happy to help as a clan. 😊⚔️✨

At Viking Agency, we specialize in:

• Social Media Marketing

• Influencer Marketing 

• Viral Creative Content

• Performance

• & Growth.

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