Welcome to the Digital Renaissance of AI

Preview blog: Welcome to the Digital Renaissance of AI

Lessons from the GOAT Leo (and nope, it’s not Messi) 🫢

07-01-2023 7:53 pm

(5-minute read ☕️👌🤓): 

As we enter 2023, it's clear that artificial intelligence (AI) innovations like Chat GPT and others will play an increasingly important role in our lives. Therefore, it’s important to remember that the only constant available is change.

In recent years, we’ve learned that being more optimistic about the future has helped us see things more clear and become more agile. And as always there is a silver lining. Any significant disruption means opportunity. Think of these innovations like tsunamis 🌊 and ask yourself: am I going to let these smash me or am I going to surf them like the true champion that I am?🏄‍♀️🏄‍♂️✨ And when we say champion, we’re not exaggerating - think of all the challenges that you've overcome in your life and that brought you here…made you who you are today! Like good ol’ Bilbo; ready for the next adventure! 

So aside from The Lord of the Rings 🧙‍♂️references and other unintended superhero quotes 😬, we would like to share a little inspiration and guidance from an actual human who we admire, and is responsible for some of the most innovative inventions of all time - the great Leonardo da Vinci. His willingness to explore new ideas and connections helped him invent incredible things such as the flying machine, the parachute, scuba gear and ironically-enough the first robotic knight, alongside endless epic contributions to the world, like the Mona Lisa. Despite not finishing school and being a genius, Leonardo da Vinci's true superpower was his humanity, empathy, curiosity, authenticity and creativity, which enabled him to create new realities.

So here are 5 lessons from the OG Leo that can help you navigate the impact of AI and turn it into opportunity now and in the near future:


Da Vinci was a master at seeing patterns and making connections between different disciplines. This allowed him to innovate seamlessly across fields. 

In the face of rapidly advancing AI, it's important for businesses to think beyond compartmentalization and try to see the bigger picture. By looking for patterns and connections, companies can better understand the potential of AI and how it fits into the overall landscape. For example, a retail brand might look for patterns in customer data to inform targeted social media marketing campaigns in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Mixing that recipe with another tsunami like TikTok marketing, hand in hand with experts like our VKNG clan, might allow you to conquer the multiverse; ultimately, driving sales and growth. 😉🚀🌌


The city of Florence 🖼️ in the late 1400s was a melting pot of different industries and people from around the world. This diversity of background, skill set, and mindset fostered a creative atmosphere that allowed for the discovery of the science of perspective

Similarly, it's important for businesses to embrace diversity in their approach to AI. By bringing together a diverse team with different backgrounds, skills, and interests, brands can come up with more creative and innovative solutions to the challenges presented by AI. For example, a software development company might bring together a team of developers, designers, and digital marketers to brainstorm and develop new AI-powered products (just add some good snacks please, don’t be cheap and napkins will be totally welcome 🙃). 


Leonardo, like the ninja ⚔️🐢, was always pushing the boundaries of what was possible. He believed that it was important to aim for the stars, even if you couldn't quite reach them yet. This mindset allowed him to achieve unimaginable things, even when others were skeptical or dismissive. (hehe sounds familiar 💅).

In the face of disruptive technology like AI, it’s important to embrace a sense of disruption and be willing to think big and challenge the status quo. Wizeprep.com is an excellent success story! They have been pioneering on the development of personalized learning courses for each student, disrupting the traditional education model by offering tailored, individualized learning. 


Our man Leo understood that innovation often involves trial and error, and he was willing to embrace this process in order to learn and improve. In the face of AI, it's important to remember that we won't always get things right the first time 🫣. It's important to be willing to experiment, learn from our mistakes, and iterate on our approach. 

For example, a restaurant chain could test different menu items using AI to predict customer preferences and sales potential. By constantly iterating and fine-tuning their offerings based on data and customer feedback, they can stay ahead of competitors and increase profits. (I like you have a🧁!)


While it's essential to be aware of the challenges presented by AI, it's equally important to focus on the opportunities it provides. Da Vinci was always looking for new ways to use his skills and knowledge to create something innovative and useful. 

In the real estate industry, for example, adopting AI tools to handle tasks like property listings and showings may allow agents to allocate their time and energy towards building better connections with clients, boosting customer experience. This shift in focus not only could benefit the business, but also enhance employee satisfaction and productivity.

Ultimately 🥁🥁🥁… as we move into a weird Black-Mirror-kind-of era or the next tsunami, make sure to unleash your inner da Vinci 👩‍🎨. His lessons on connecting the dots, embracing diversity, disrupting the status quo, practicing trial and error, and focusing on the opportunities will help you navigate upcoming challenges and seize the era of AI. And remember… with great power, comes great responsibility. 🕷️✨

If you’ve reached this point, here’s a 🐐🤏🙂 (her name is Juanita and she only eats grounded Cap’n Crunch cereal, thanks! ☺️).

We hope you find this helpful and would love to hear from you!

Happy New Year! 🎉🥂

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